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Venice - The City of Canals

Venice, also known as “The City of Canals” or “The Floating City” is surely one of the most unique places in the world and does not need much of an introduction. The city fascinates tourists from all over the world with its beautiful bridges, atmospheric streets and its infamous gondola rides.

Built on around 100 small islands with 417 bridges over 177 canals, exploring Venice is very different from exploring other cities. There are no regular taxis or buses that you can use for getting around the city. Instead, Venice has to be explored by foot or boat - and both has its benefits! Here’s a few things I would recommand you to do when visiting Venice.

1. Take a stroll around

If you google “Sights in Venice” you will find a broad range of places to see, things to do and experiences to have. Some cheaper, some more pricy. And granted, most of them are pretty cool. However, to me, just taking a stroll around the city, with no particular destination in mind, was one of the highlights of my trip. As Google Maps is quite useless in the narrow alleys of Venice anyways, why not put your phone in your pocket and start exploring. Wander along the narrow streets of Venice, soak in the atmosphere and marvel at the unique Venetian architecture. I can guarrantee that you will find beauty waiting around every corner. And the best thing? It’s free!

2. St. Mark’s Square

While taking a stroll through the city, you will eventually want to end up at the most famous and important square in Venice, the Piazza San Marco. Dating back to the 12th century, St. Mark’s Square is surrounded by a number of beautiful sights and often describes as the heart and soul of the city. From here you will be able to see the St. Mark’s Basilica, the Bell Tower and the Doge Palace. Located closely to the Piazza San Marco is the Bridge of Sighs which is also absolutely worth seeing.

3. The gondolas

Now this is the obvious one. It doesn’t matter who you ask, the first thing that pops into your head when you think of Venice are gondolas and they are one of the reasons why people love Venice or want to go there. If you go to Venice and you always wanted to ride those gondolas, go ahead do it. Yes, it is expensive and very touristy. But who cares if it is what you really want to do? Just do it! Guaranteed, you will not forget this experience and you will see sides of Venice you will not be able to see walking.

Costs: Currently, you pay about 80 euros for a private gondola ride. Those costs can be split though, if you go with a partner or in a small group.

3. Ponte dell'Accademia

As a photographer, I have to recommend visiting the Ponte dell'Accademia, which is particularly famous for its view on the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute and very popular among tourists and fellow photographers. The bridge crosses the Grand Canal and connects Campo S. Vidal with Campo della Carità, as well as the Sestieri San Marco with Dorsoduro. It’s got his name from the famous Gallerie dell'Accademia, the most important collection of paintings in Venice, located on Campo della Carità.

4. Visit Burano

One of the highlights, if not THE highlight, of my trip to Venice was visiting Burano. The small island is only a short 45 minute boat ride away from the main part of Venice and is famous for being the most colourful island in the world. This is due to the many colorful fishermen's cottages that line the island's canals. Each of these houses are painted in a different color.