Dinant - The Birthplace of the Saxophone

dinant Belgium


Located in Belgium’s Walloon Region, Dinant is a picturesque small city on the banks of the Meuse River. Apart from this stunning view, you get from the other side of the river onto the Collegiate Church of Notre Dame de Dinant, Dinant is especially famous because one person who went by the name Adolphe Sax. And you’re guessing it right, this is the man who invented the saxophone. Nowadays, tourists can find interactive exhibits on the instrument’s development in the very house Mr. Sax used to live in.

The Story Behind the Photo

It was a cold November night, when me and my friend started our first joined photo journey to Dinant, a small town in Belgium at the Maas river. Our goal was to photograph the cityscape at sunrise, so we had to leave early. When we arrived, it was still dark and we walked around the town trying to find perspectives and setting up our cameras. But as soon as it got closer to sunrise, Dinant got more and more covered in heavy fog until at some point, the vision was so hazy that we decided to go for a morning coffee before getting back to our car.

After breakfast, we were determined to make our way back to our car, to get to other places to photograph. While walking along the riverside back to our car, it appeared that the fog had finally lifted and rewarded us with a spectacular view of the Belgian town. Quickly, we grabbed our gear again, set up the cameras and started taking some final photographs of Dinant. This specific photo, in fact, was the last one I took after calling it a wrap and leaving the place.

A little ways down the road, I decided to participate in the ND awards 2021 with this photograph, giving it the title“When the fog finally lifts”. Eventually, my photo was awarded the 3rd place in the category Architecture: Cityscapes. I am still more than happy for this recognition, especially as this photo has a huge personal value for me.

Find out more on the ND awards here.


Lanzarote VanCampers